Location: Minnetrista, Minnesota

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The status of the illegal imigrant situation is the result of complete failure of the federal government to perform its primary function. That is to protect the country from alien invasion. What makes the matter so outrageous is that it was allowed to get to this point when it didn't need to happen. Now it has, however. We have millions of people who have illegally entered the country, break the laws, learn to lie and cheat to survive, and have the nerve to demand the right to services and representation.

The fault lies in our own elected officials, not in those who are here illegally. In spite of that, we can't allow people to exist in the country against the law and not hold them accountable for illegal activities. So how do we fix this?

I remember some years back when I found that mice had entered my house. At first I tried to catch them, but it was hopeless. They would hide when I was around and reproduced faster than I could find them. In the mean time, for every one I caught, 5 more got into the house. The only solution was to forget the ones that were there and to find the hole where they entered in the first place. Only after I plugged that hole from the outside was I able to eventually catch all that were left inside.

It's insane to have weak borders so people can enter unchecked and then expect that we can track them down and deport them after the fact. It won't happen. Every day that our borders remain unprotected puts us one step closer to terrorist attacks of any magnitude imaginable.

The only way to get out of this mess is to do the following:

1) Initiate a complete assault on our borders from the inside and lock them down. Allow no one to cross without proper authorization. We're using technolgies and methods in Iraq that are better than we use in Arizona. Get serious and do it now.

2) Let Mexico and Canada understand that we expect complete cooperation in securing our borders and we will hold them accountable for not respecting our limits.

3) Give all illegal residents 6 months to register and be accountable. No more living in shadows, telling lies, and breaking any law that is not convenient. After that time, to be found in this country without registration means a free ride home. Those found to be criminals and vagrants get a free ride home.

4) Registered immigrants who entered the country illegally must either request processing for citizenship or be issued a temporary visa with an expiration date. Citizenship requirements could not be minimized meaning becoming proficient in the english language.

We didn't need 12 million undocumented citizens, but we have them. We can't capture and deport hard working adults and innocent children who want to be law abiding Americans. However, those who don't want to obey our laws must leave, and those who want to remain citizens of other countries must not expect to enjoy the same benefits as Americans.

This isn't that hard, and those who tell you it's too difficult need to give up their seats in the government and leave it for those who are willing to secure our country. There is no room for debate on this. Put an end to this and do it now.


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