Location: Minnetrista, Minnesota

Friday, November 09, 2012

Back to the Constitution

While I've never been a Ron Paul supporter, the Romney campaign has finally opened my eyes about federal level elections. The Constitution is very clear about the limited responsibilities of the federal branches of the government. For some reason, though, Republicans have decided to join the Democrats in including many other issues into the debate at the federal level. The result is that Republicans are left to defend or promote positions on social issues that have no place at the federal level in the first place.

So, as Ron Paul has been saying for years, let's get back to the basics and re-define the Republicans, again, to the principals of the original party. Limit the debate to smaller federal government. Focus on those issues alone; Spending, Commerce, Naturalization, Inferior Courts, and War Powers. All other issues should be pushed to the state level and debated and resolved by each state. Why should we be cornered into a debate about abortion, about gay marriage, about substance consumption, about education, about healthcare, and so on? None of these things are authorized by the Constitution, and we're allowing ourselves to loose elections, and the chance to properly manage the government, because of state level issues.

I'd be much happier trying to debate those social issues on a much smaller scale, at the state level, than trying to gain nationwide consensus on these matters. If your community doesn't want to allow recreational pot like Colorado, pass a local law against it. People can decide to live in states and cities that offer the lifestyle suitable to them.

In the end, small government Republicans may be the best approach, and leave the personal welfare and social issues to the states and churches.


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